Lena's Health Nugget: Cholesterol Myths

Posted on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 in
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Low Cholesterol May Be Worse for You than High Cholesterol

Today's article is written by a dear friend and colleague, Lena Sanchez, who is a wealth of knowledge and opinions on all matters to do with natural healing. Her views challenge the medical industry's stance on cholesterol. Decide for yourself if what she has to say makes sense.
- Wayne

Lowering Cholesterol With Drugs is the Wrong Approach

Do you believe your doctor's suggestion that cholesterol causes heart attacks, heart disease and/or strokes and you need to take a drug to lower it? This is a fallacy and you need to know the truth that too low cholesterol is actually dangerous to your health.

I've dealt with this subject for almost 40 years. My husband was told - in the early 80's - his cholesterol levels were going to kill him if he didn't do something!

At that same time, I began seeing patients who had been prescribed cholesterol lowering drug, and after experiencing serious side effects, the doctor took them off the cholesterol lowering drug.

It was then I began years of study to find out the pros and cons of cholesterol in our bodies and learned some pretty surprising things.

Cholesterol is not the danger to your health conventional medical doctors believe it is.

In fact, their medication is the danger!

Today's article explains all that.


Brain Disease Increases Connected to Low Cholesterol!

© Lena Sanchez, Guest Contributor

Has your doctor said you needed to lower your cholesterol? Tens of thousands are being told that and are taking cholesterol lowering medications, pushed on them out of fear of having a heart attack, stroke or heart disease, if your cholesterol isn't lowered.

It's a fallacy!

And, we can even go a step father and ask: Is it even good to lower your cholesterol?

According to studies published in the over the last five years “...low LDL cholesterol levels may actually increase your risk of Parkinson's disease.” The study involved 236 people: 124 Parkinson's patients and 112 controls. The researchers measured all the participants' cholesterol levels and gathered information regarding their smoking habits and use of cholesterol-lowering drugs.

They found the subjects with the lowest LDL levels (less than 114 milligrams per deciliter) had a 3.5-fold higher occurrence of Parkinson's than the participants with higher LDL levels (below 138 to 250 milligrams per deciliter).

Finally, they’ve actually documented what I've been telling you for years, but this information hasn’t yet reached the doctors, even though those figures were released in 2010!

Conventional medicine keeps wondering why millions (and growing) Alzheimer’s cases exist, yet they say they haven't a clue. The clues are there but they are being concealed by BIG PHARMA money and since doctors seldom study what happens when they prescribe a drug, they don’t know either.

Conventional medical doctors continues to stick their heads in the sand about patients reporting side effects to their medications. Looks to me like the pharmaceutical industry,along with doctors who never check things out, aim for an LDL below 200, are actually causing the Alzheimer's increase!

No mystery there!

Are They Mistakenly Diagnosing Alzheimer’s?

Here is what Mayo Clinic Cardiologist, Dr. Thomas Behrenbeck stated:

“Rare cases of memory loss have been reported in people taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, such as Lipitor. But these reports were anecdotal and have not been substantiated by formal testing of cognitive function. In most of these cases, memory improved after the individuals stopped taking the statins.”

That absolutely depends on how long they were taking the drugs before stopping.

Now, I find it rather strange since I've continued to see advertising pushing those drugs that say statin drugs are now being prescribed to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Does that make any sense? If the drugs cause memory loss, are all those Alzheimer’s people really suffering with Alzheimer’s or suffering with drug induced memory loss? Watching this happen when I worked conventional medicine offices I can tell you Alzheimer's is mostly medication induced!

Remember, a drug only has to have an effect in 20% of the clinical trials to be released to the medical world!

Statin drugs have other side effects besides memory problems; they simply do not do what they are prescribed to d

The doctor will tell you that lowering your cholesterol will stop your risk of heart attack, stroke or heart disease. REALLY?

Have you read the small print of the insert that came with your cholesterol lowering drug? If not be sure you do. (The pharmacy must give you that insert with your prescription.) Go to the small print buried somewhere deep or near the end of that insert and see what it says - something like “This medication has not been proven to prevent heart attacks, strokes or heart disease.”

Yet, your doctor has told you it does because he/she is being lied to, and doesn't read the inserts!

It is a known fact that statin drugs decrease natural CoQ10 levels by up to 40% in just a month or two. The heart and brain rely on CoQ10 to function properly and statin drugs starve the heart and brain of needed nutrients!

Smart doctors are beginning to talk about that very problem. An article published in the Journal Biofactors, cardiologist and researcher Dr. Peter Langsjoen has stated:

"The depletion of the essential nutrient CoQ10 by the increasingly popular cholesterol lowering drugs, HMG CoA reductase inhibitors (statins), has grown from a level of concern to one of alarm. With ever higher statin potencies and dosages and with a steadily shrinking target LDL cholesterol, the prevalence and severity of CoQ10 deficiency is increasingly noticeable."

Our Body Makes Cholesterol Naturally

The body manufactures cholesterol because it needs it, and only when the body’s ability to do that is interrupted does it not produce effective amounts. Your body needs cholesterol and what may be high for one person, could be the amount another needs to function properly. In fact, my husband and his family line requires cholesterol as high as 400 to 500. Yes, you read that right!

Did You Know Drug Companies Set "Normal" Cholesterol Levels - Not Doctors?

When the first cholesterol drug came on the market, I was working as a medical office nurse and the average cholesterol numbers to aim for at that time was 350. Good number, but that didn't sell enough drugs for the pharmaceutical company, so they have gradually lowered those normals until now, the numbers are bordering on death for most patients.

An Osteopath doctor I worked with at the time when the first lower numbers were given to the office, told us that with that lower desired number - 250 - we would be seeing many more heart attacks and strokes in the future due to such a low number. He explained to me:

“You cannot live with cholesterol lower than 250 or 300 for very long without the body going into some type of revenge and overworking trying to produce more cholesterol thereby taxing the heart and blood vessels throwing the body off.”

We are there RIGHT NOW with a target of 100 to 150 - killer numbers! I have not seen that Osteopath in more than 25 years , and I often wonder what he thinks now as his predictions came to pass. The statistics prove he was right! The CDC mortality figures show that people are having more heart attacks and strokes per capita than ever in the history of mankind.

Be strong! Stand up to your doctor and say NO to taking cholesterol lowering drugs.

High cholesterol does not kill, nor does it build up plaque in your arteries, even though the drug industry is selling that crock to the doctors of the world.

Inflammation and Poor Diets Are What Lead to Plaque Buildup and Heart Attacks

There are many independent scientific studies that have been done showing that inflammation is what kills. If you are willing to do the searching, you will find studies published in research scientists in scientific journals, demonstrating the link between inflammation and heart disease, not cholesterol.

I'm not a doctor, just a concerned retired medical office nurse who watched what happened when people took cholesterol lowering drugs unnecessarily.

I convinced my husband, whose cholesterol numbers ranged between 324 on the low side, to upwards of 480, not to take statin drug to artificially lower his cholesterol. A recent carotid ultrasound and MRI proved his arteries are cleaner than the average person’s. His arteries, at the age of 70, contained only 12% plaque. That's one-half the plaque level for most 70 year olds!

This further proves my point: Cholesterol is not the culprit the drug industry wants you to believe!

With the ultrasound and MRI, his doctor unintentionally proved our premise and has finally stopped trying to force him to take drugs to lower his cholesterol.

- Lena Sanchez, Retired Medical Nurse

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